I had the oppertunity to work alongside an amazing team for three weeks at 4i Mobile in Stellenbosch, Cape Town. As an intern I was given a project to work on, where I had to create my own designs for a new application. I had to present my designs, wireframes and mock ups to the company in a presentation at the end of my internship. This was an amazing learning oppertunity and I ejoyed every moment of it.
What is Boererate? better known as a Boere raad. Boere raad is directly translated to Farmers tips on life. As an Afrkaans speaking South African I grew up with so many old, amazing & natural ways of resolving problems in life. Anything from getting rid of pimples, growing vegetables, fixing your car, cure for hick-ups,etc. I was fortunate to have been brought up with these fantastic tips and natural solutions, that I felt it was appropriate to design a social media platform, where people of today could share their grandpa and grandma's secrets. I created a platform which works similar to Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, where the user would create a profile and share their favorite ideas with the world.
Maybe your someone that prefers doctors and medicine, but I definitely would benefit from something like this. Not a book in a library I had to go look for, but an application with me at all times.
Check out this Demo

The Process
Wireframes are used to help the designer plan the logistics and natural flow of
the application.
Mock ups are used to help the designer create the perfect look and feel to the application.